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About The Ministry

We are well into this century already! But time is running out and no one really knows how much time we each have on this earth. We all have two dates we must contend with: our date or appointment with death, and/or the day of our Lord's Resurrection & Rapture (Much of our website helps explain when we believe this may occur.). I have studied this subject as a layman in the church for over 50 years, with no "formal religious training" other than the Bible itself, many experts on the subject, and the Lord Himself. One thing that makes me a lot different from many others is their over-confidence in projecting they know it all. Because they have their formal studies tucked under their belt, they have some basic truths they become very confident to teach but then begin thinking they must connect all the dots to perfection and be the top dog in Bible prophecy. I am humbled enough to only teach those things I am most confident of and connect all the other dots as time reveals them. I hope you will join me in that journey.

LAST CENTURY MINISTRY  is our way of reaching the inquiring public as well as the churches that need further insight into the end times events that are crashing onto the scene every day. The Bible is very very clear on warning us that there will be deception and doctrines of demons that will cloud the minds of believers as well as those honestly sseking to know the truth. If you will take a little time here to look at our material, I believe you will find a clear path to the Bible's truth about the "last days" and establish your own faith to stand firm when the world around you is tempting you to believe in all kinds of evil lies and deception.


Phil Czechowski spent over 30 years living in Puerto Rico raising his family and serving large national based construction and engineering firms with business development in the pharmaceutical and biotech industries. In 2006, he and his wife Vicenta moved to Orlando as empty nesters and have since retired now to full time writing and ministry with an emphasis on the end times prophecies and evangelism.
He is one of 4 children raised in a middle-class suburb of Chicago, graduated from Argo Community High School, and attended the School of Architecture at the University of Illinois. He also served in the Illinois National Guard for 5 years and saw active duty as his unit was federalized during the 1968 riots in Chicago.
Early in his marriage, both he and his wife came to know the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior and were committed to serving in the local churches in teaching and evangelistic activities. As a result of his desire to serve, he was called to help plant a church in Dorado, PR. During this same period, he was asked to join the Major League Baseball Chapel organization that conducts chapel services before every Sunday game throughout the US and Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico would always field six teams representing six cities in Puerto Rico during the Winter season. Phil served as Chapel Leader for 25 years serving all six teams. During this time, he also spoke at various churches about the second coming of Christ. After reading over 40 books written on the subject by a generation of scholars, he was led to write his first book, Apocalypse Soon back in 2003. 
Now, over 20 years later, he has felt the need to update the book, now called "Armageddon: Are You Ready," after additional insights, with a stronger emphasis on “watching and recording the dates of each event” as seen by the reader himself. He believes strongly that even doubters in the Bible, the divinely inspired Word of God, can gain their own faith as they “see” the prophecy with their own eyes as each event unfolds before their eyes.

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